Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Busy Day!

So I had a most interesting day at work. When I went on break, which lasts a whole of ten minutes, I figured I'd run to the CVS and get food to ease my starvation. When I got there, They didn't have what I wanted, so I looked for something similar. The closest I could find was this weird hamburger stew by Cambel's. So I go up to the counter to check out, and this lady pulls up in front of me with this massively full shopping cart. She has like a million Bowl-a-petites in there and a million bags of cat food. So I stand in line behind her, and I'm getting nervous because my break is only ten minutes, and I still need to get over to the dollar store, heat my food, and inhale it, all it time to get back onto register before the closing rush.

Well, another employee opens another register and takes the little old lady in front of me, who took about a billion years checking out because she had no clue that half the stuff she got was buy one get one free. So he finally finishes with her, and by the time he can take me, I had three minutes of my break left. So after fumbling half my wallet all over his counter, I ran to the dollar store break room and started opening my stew. Well, it had one of those tab lids, like spam cans, once I had it about open, the broth started to cover the park of the lid that was still attached to the can. So I figured if I was really careful, I could get it off without making a mess... HA!

It exploded all over me and the break room, it's like dripping off the end of my nose, and all over my clothes.. So the last thirty seconds of my break was spent wiping down the break room, as well as myself. So I threw it in the microwave to heat while I cleaned, then I inhaled about half of it before throwing it in the fridge and rushing the my register.

As soon as I got there, I looked down and realized that I have this massive river of stew running down my arm. So I started to panic, I turned to the manager and asked her to get me a wet paper towel. I guess she thought I was wiping down my register or something, because it was positively sopping, so I got water all over me, all over my clothes, and all over the floor.

About an hour later, the assistant manager was standing next to me and helping me bag. She kinda looks over at me and goes "Do I smell stew?"

I also just found out that my boss scheduled me on days I specifically requested off for, and we agreed that I wouldn't have to work on, before I was even hired. -_-

On the bright side, my sister's buying me a cell phone.

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